AI Law - International Review of Artificial Intelligence Law
G. Giappichelli Editore


CNIL's Continued Efforts in AI Development and Privacy Protection (France)
News - AI in Judicial Activities
Based on an article from CNIL, the French Data Protection Authority (CNIL) is advancing its efforts to promote innovative and privacy-respectful AI. In 2022, AI deployment across various sectors highlighted the need for robust legal frameworks to protect ..

Navigating AI Regulation in the US, EU, and UK: What's Next for the Industry (US/EU/UK)
News - Digital Governance
According to an event hosted by Morgan Lewis, significant developments in AI regulation are occurring across the US, EU, and UK. The webinar will discuss the implications of the US government's recent executive order on AI, California's upcoming ..

AI's Legal Magic: Despite Pitfalls, Attorneys Test Machine Learning (USA)
News - Civil Procedure Law
According to an article from Arkansas Business, the legal profession is increasingly experimenting with artificial intelligence (AI), leveraging its capabilities to enhance various legal processes despite facing several challenges. The integration of AI, ..

Neurobiological Inspiration for AI: The HIPPO-RAG Framework
News - Legal Technology
Based on an article from MarkTechPost, researchers have developed a new framework for long-term memory in large language models (LLMs) inspired by neurobiological processes. Named the HIPPO-RAG (Hippocampal-RAre Generative) framework, it aims to enhance ..

AI's Impact on International Arbitration (UK)
News - AI in Judicial Activities
Based on an article from IOL, artificial intelligence (AI) is significantly reshaping the practice of international arbitration. The integration of AI technologies in arbitration processes aims to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and overall fairness. The ..

Nigerian Lawyer Criticized for AI-Generated Defense (Nigeria)
News - AI in Judicial Activities
According to an article from Nile Post, a Nigerian lawyer has come under fire for using an AI-generated defense in a court case. The incident has sparked a heated debate about the ethical and legal implications of using AI in the legal profession. Critics ..

AI-Enabled Cameras Raise Privacy Concerns in West Palm Beach (USA)
News - Personal Data Protection Law
Based on an article from WUSF, the implementation of AI-enabled cameras in West Palm Beach, Florida, as part of its smart city initiative has sparked significant privacy concerns among residents and experts. The AI cameras are intended to enhance public ..

AI-Powered Legal Tool for Litigators Launched by CiteRight (USA)
News - Legal Informatics
Based on an article from LawNext, CiteRight has launched a new AI-powered tool designed to assist litigators in summarizing and synthesizing case law. The tool, developed as part of CiteRight’s merger with Jurisage, aims to enhance the efficiency ..

Artificial Intelligence and the Challenge for Global Governance (UK)
News - Administrative Law
According to multiple articles from Chatham House, the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) poses significant challenges and opportunities for global governance. The rapid development and integration of AI across various sectors have outpaced the ..

Judicial Systems and Artificial Intelligence: Navigating Legal Ethics in a Technological Era (Poland)
News - Algorithmic Bias (legal perspectives)
According to an article from, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) within judicial systems is a burgeoning topic of discussion and concern. The article highlights that as AI technology advances, it is increasingly being utilized in ..

AI Fever Boosts Taiwanese Stocks (Taiwan)
News - Financial Law
Secondo un articolo di The Japan Times, l'ondata di tecnologie legate all'intelligenza artificiale (IA) ha significativamente aumentato i mercati azionari taiwanesi. L'articolo discute come la crescente domanda di componenti e tecnologie IA abbia ..

Increased Scrutiny on AI Use by Banks and Judiciary (Italy)
News - Banking Law
Based on an article from Italia Oggi, Italian banks and judicial institutions are facing increased scrutiny over their use of artificial intelligence (AI). The article discusses recent developments in regulatory oversight aimed at ensuring that AI ..

UK Regulatory Body Calls for Stricter AI Governance in Financial Sector (UK)
News - Financial Law
Based on an article from Financial Times, the UK's Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has issued new guidelines to enhance the governance of artificial intelligence (AI) in the financial sector. These guidelines are designed to ensure that AI technologies ..

AI and Competition Law in the Digital Age (USA)
News - Competition Law / Antitrust Law
Based on an article from Economic Times, the intersection of AI and competition law is becoming increasingly critical in the digital age. The article explores how AI technologies can both enhance and challenge competitive practices in the marketplace. ..

ABA Suggests Refinements to Generative AI Framework (USA)
News - Banking Law
Based on an article from the Banking Journal, the American Bankers Association (ABA) has proposed additional refinements to the existing generative AI framework. The ABA's suggestions aim to ensure that the development and use of generative AI in the ..

AI and Disinformation: Institutional Strategies for European Elections
News - Electoral Law
Based on an article from EUNews, European institutions are developing strategies to combat disinformation ahead of the upcoming European elections. The article discusses how artificial intelligence (AI) is being utilized to detect and mitigate the spread ..

Exploring AI's Political Economy: Insights from the Ash Center Conference (USA)
News - Economic Law or Law of Economics
Based on an article from the Ash Center, on May 8, 2024, the Allen Lab for Democracy Renovation at Harvard's Ash Center hosted a conference to examine the political economy of AI. This event gathered scholars from various social sciences and humanities ..

Call for Papers: Artificial Intelligence in Legal Systems (AIL-2024)
News - Legal Technology
Based on a call for papers on EasyChair, the book "Artificial Intelligence in Legal Systems" aims to explore the intersection of AI and legal frameworks. It will analyze how AI reshapes legal practices, regulations, and social norms. The book emphasizes ..

The Growing Threat of AI Voice Cloning in the 2024 Elections (USA)
News - Personal Data Protection Law
According to a report by The Washington Post on May 31, 2024, the increasing use of AI-generated audio and voice cloning technologies is raising significant concerns about their potential impact on the upcoming 2024 elections in the United States. Voice ..

Kerala Integrates AI into School Curriculum (India)
News - Public Law Institutions or Foundations of Public Law
According to an article on EducationWorld, Kerala is incorporating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into school textbooks for Class 7, beginning the next academic year. Over 400,000 students will benefit from AI learning modules in the Information & ..

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