AI Law - International Review of Artificial Intelligence Law
G. Giappichelli Editore

05/10/2024 - California’s AI Catastrophe Bill Vetoed: Key Reasons Explained (USA)

argument: Normativa/Regulations - Digital Governance

Source: 24matins

On September 29, 2024, California Governor Gavin Newsom vetoed SB 1047, a bill aimed at imposing stricter safety standards on AI development to prevent potential catastrophic harms. The bill, passed by the California State Assembly with a vote of 41 to 9, sought to regulate harmful uses of AI by requiring developers to adopt protocols to ensure their systems did not pose undue risks.

Governor Newsom acknowledged that the bill was "well-intentioned" but criticized its lack of nuance. Specifically, he argued that the legislation did not sufficiently differentiate between various AI applications, such as high-risk scenarios versus basic functionalities. He expressed concern that the bill applied overly stringent regulations even to low-risk AI systems, which could stifle innovation.

The bill would have required AI developers to implement safety protocols and imposed significant fines—starting at $10 million for the first violation and $30 million for subsequent offenses—for non-compliance. However, tech industry leaders, including prominent AI figures like Fei-Fei Li and Yann LeCun, voiced opposition, arguing that the bill would hinder technological advancement in California.
Newsom’s decision reflects the broader challenge of regulating AI, where balancing innovation with safety remains contentious. The defeat of SB 1047 raises questions about how California will address AI regulation moving forward, particularly as the state seeks to maintain its leadership in the tech industry.


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