AI Law - International Review of Artificial Intelligence Law
G. Giappichelli Editore

17/10/2024 - Washington State’s First Law to Regulate Deepfakes in Elections (USA)

argument: Notizie/News - Electoral Law

Source: Centralia Law

Washington State has passed a groundbreaking law regulating the use of deepfakes and synthetic media in political campaigns. Senate Bill 5152, enacted in 2024, defines synthetic media as any image, audio, or video manipulated using machine learning to depict false or altered content. The law specifically targets the use of such media in election campaigns, requiring that any synthetic media distributed within 60 days of an election include a clear disclosure that the content has been artificially manipulated.

The law also prohibits the use of synthetic media to spread false information about a candidate’s identity, endorsements, or affiliations. Failure to comply with these requirements can result in legal actions, including injunctions and damage claims from candidates who are misrepresented.

This legislation is part of a broader effort to combat misinformation and disinformation in the digital age, particularly in the context of political elections. As deepfake technology becomes more advanced, Washington’s new law sets a precedent for how states can regulate synthetic media to protect the integrity of elections and ensure that voters are not misled by digitally altered content.