AI Law - International Review of Artificial Intelligence Law
G. Giappichelli Editore

18/10/2024 - GenAI vs. Senior and Junior Lawyers: A Performance Comparison (Australia)

argument: Notizie/News - AI in Judicial Activities

Source: The Lawyer

A new report has provided an in-depth comparison of the performance of generative AI (GenAI) systems against both senior and junior lawyers across various legal tasks. The study measured how well GenAI performed in areas such as legal research, contract drafting, and case analysis, comparing its efficiency and accuracy to that of human lawyers at different experience levels.

The findings suggest that while GenAI is highly effective at automating routine legal tasks, it struggles with more complex, nuanced work that requires deep legal reasoning, particularly in areas such as litigation strategy and interpreting case law. Senior lawyers, with their extensive experience and understanding of legal subtleties, outperformed GenAI in these areas. However, the AI surpassed junior lawyers in terms of speed and efficiency for more straightforward tasks, such as document review and legal research.

The report concludes that while GenAI has the potential to assist lawyers, particularly in automating repetitive tasks, it is unlikely to replace human expertise, especially at the senior level. Instead, GenAI is expected to play a complementary role, allowing lawyers to focus on higher-value work that requires critical thinking and judgment.