AI Law - International Review of Artificial Intelligence Law
G. Giappichelli Editore

07/11/2024 - Copyright Infringement Lawsuit Filed Over AI-Created Artworks (USA)

argument: Notizie/News - Intellectual Property Law

Source: JD Supra

An artist has filed a copyright infringement lawsuit against a company that used artificial intelligence (AI) to create digital artworks allegedly based on the artist’s original works. The lawsuit raises significant legal questions about the ownership and protection of AI-generated content, particularly when the AI system is trained using copyrighted materials.

The case could set a precedent for how copyright law applies to AI-generated art. The artist argues that the company’s AI system unlawfully copied elements of their original works to produce new digital art, violating the artist’s exclusive rights under copyright law. The lawsuit also highlights the broader issue of whether AI-generated works can qualify for copyright protection and who should be considered the rightful owner—the AI developer, the user, or the original creator of the training data.

As AI-generated content becomes more prevalent, legal disputes like this one are likely to increase, forcing courts to grapple with the intersection of AI technology and intellectual property law.