AI Law - International Review of Artificial Intelligence Law
G. Giappichelli Editore

09/11/2024 - Delaware Supreme Court Approves Limited AI Use for Judges and Court Staff (USA)

argument: Notizie/News - AI in Judicial Activities

Source: The Lawyer

The Delaware Supreme Court has implemented a new policy that permits the limited use of artificial intelligence (AI) by judges and court staff. This policy represents a cautious but significant step toward integrating AI technologies into the judicial process. Under the new guidelines, AI tools can be used to perform administrative tasks, such as document sorting and scheduling, but they cannot be deployed for decision-making in legal matters or case outcomes.

The policy is part of a broader effort to modernize court operations and alleviate some of the administrative burdens faced by the judiciary. AI tools are expected to streamline routine tasks and improve efficiency without compromising the integrity of judicial decision-making. However, the court has emphasized the importance of maintaining human oversight and ensuring that AI technologies are used in a manner consistent with ethical standards and legal principles.

The article also touches on the potential benefits and risks of using AI in court systems, highlighting concerns about data privacy, algorithmic bias, and the need for ongoing training for judges and court staff to effectively manage AI tools.