AI Law - International Review of Artificial Intelligence Law
G. Giappichelli Editore

21/12/2024 - Exploring AI Mortality Predictions: Risks and Benefits (USA)

argument: Notizie/News - Ethics and Philosophy of Law

Source: National Law Review

AI’s use in predicting life expectancy has sparked a debate surrounding ethical and legal considerations. This article delves into whether artificial intelligence can effectively and ethically forecast a person’s death date, raising questions about reliability, bias, and the potential psychological impact on individuals receiving these predictions.

The discussion highlights the role of algorithms, the data used, and the legal ramifications in case of errors or misuse of such technology. A focus is given to the medical and insurance industries, where predictive AI tools could influence decision-making and policies.

Critics argue that AI lacks sufficient understanding of individual health nuances, while proponents claim it could provide groundbreaking insights. The article concludes that strict regulations and transparency are necessary to ensure ethical deployment of such tools in sensitive areas.