AI Law - International Review of Artificial Intelligence Law
G. Giappichelli Editore

11/06/2024 - Addressing Algorithmic Bias: Insights from the JSAI Symposium (Netherlands)

argument: Eventi/Events - Algorithmic Bias (legal perspectives)

An article on Leiden University highlights the discussions and findings presented at the JSAI Symposium 2024, focusing on the Bias Project. This initiative aims to investigate and mitigate biases in artificial intelligence algorithms, which can lead to unfair outcomes in various applications, including hiring, lending, and law enforcement. The symposium brought together researchers, policymakers, and industry leaders to share insights and strategies for addressing these biases. Key topics included the identification of bias in datasets, the development of bias mitigation techniques, and the importance of transparency and accountability in AI systems. The discussions emphasized the need for interdisciplinary approaches and the collaboration between technical experts and social scientists to effectively tackle bias in AI. The project also explores the ethical and legal implications of biased AI, advocating for robust frameworks to ensure fairness and equity. One significant takeaway is the call for standardized methods to audit and evaluate AI systems for bias, ensuring that they meet ethical standards and do not perpetuate discrimination.