AI Law - International Review of Artificial Intelligence Law
G. Giappichelli Editore

14/06/2024 - EBU Outlines Key Recommendations for Generative AI in Media (Switzerland)

argument: Notizie/News - Personal Data Protection Law

According to an announcement by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), the organization has released a set of strategic recommendations addressing the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in the media sector. These recommendations aim to guide media organizations in responsibly adopting AI technologies while ensuring ethical standards and protecting public interests.

The EBU's recommendations focus on several key areas, including transparency, accountability, and the ethical use of AI in content creation and distribution. One of the primary concerns highlighted is the potential for AI-generated content to spread misinformation and undermine public trust in media. To mitigate this risk, the EBU advocates for clear labeling of AI-generated content, allowing audiences to distinguish between human-produced and AI-generated material.

Another significant aspect of the recommendations is the call for robust data protection measures. The EBU emphasizes the importance of safeguarding personal data and ensuring that AI systems used in media comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This includes implementing stringent data security protocols and obtaining informed consent from individuals whose data is utilized in AI processes.

The EBU also addresses the need for media organizations to invest in AI literacy and training for their staff. This involves educating journalists, editors, and other media professionals about the capabilities and limitations of AI technologies, as well as the ethical implications of their use. By enhancing AI literacy, media organizations can better integrate AI tools into their workflows while maintaining journalistic integrity.

Furthermore, the recommendations call for collaborative efforts between media organizations, policymakers, and technology providers to develop industry-wide standards for AI usage. The EBU advocates for the establishment of guidelines that promote transparency, accountability, and ethical practices in the deployment of AI technologies in the media sector.

The announcement concludes with a commitment from the EBU to continue monitoring the impact of generative AI on media and to support its members in navigating the challenges and opportunities presented by these technologies. The EBU's strategic asks are intended to foster a media environment that leverages AI for innovation while upholding public trust and ethical standards.