AI Law - International Review of Artificial Intelligence Law
G. Giappichelli Editore

02/03/2024 - Fighting Disinformation and AI Attacks in Brazil's 2024 Municipal Elections: Superior Electoral Court's New Measures

argument: Decisioni/Decisions - Electoral Law

As reported by, the Superior Electoral Court of Brazil has taken significant steps to counteract disinformation and illicit use of artificial intelligence in the 2024 municipal elections by approving 12 resolutions. These include new articles that ban the dissemination of fabricated content and hold information providers jointly responsible for not immediately removing disinformation during the electoral period. The court also endorsed a proposal from Supreme Federal Court Minister Cármen Lúcia to update electoral standards in light of emerging technologies, emphasizing the need to understand their impact on voters and establish acceptable information standards. These actions build on previous efforts, such as the technical cooperation agreement signed with the National Telecommunications Agency of Brazil in December 2023 and the approval of norms to curb online disinformation in October 2022.

To address the evolving challenge of disinformation and artificial intelligence in the electoral context, the Superior Electoral Court of Brazil has adopted 12 resolutions aimed at enhancing the integrity of the 2024 municipal elections. These include the prohibition of false content dissemination and the establishment of accountability for information providers. Highlighting the significance of adapting electoral standards to new technologies, these measures reflect Brazil's proactive stance on maintaining electoral fairness and transparency amidst digital advancements.