AI Law - International Review of Artificial Intelligence Law
G. Giappichelli Editore

19/06/2024 - Enhancing Legal Competence to Combat AI-Generated Fakes (Canada)

argument: Eventi/Events - Personal Data Protection Law

Based on an article on Canadian Lawyer, a panel at the 2024 LegalTech Summit discussed the challenges posed by generative AI (genAI) in the legal system. The panel emphasized the growing difficulty in distinguishing between real and fake evidence, necessitating a higher level of competence among legal professionals. Danielle Robitaille highlighted the need for lawyers to critically evaluate materials and seek expert analysis to verify authenticity. Maura Grossman pointed out that increased reliance on forensic experts for evidence authentication could drive up litigation costs. The development of standards by organizations like the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity aims to help identify AI-generated content, offering hope for mitigating these challenges. Panelists Veronica Mohan and Mirka Snyder Caron, along with moderator Marlon Hylton, also discussed best practices for developing and enforcing AI policies and standards. They underscored the importance of maintaining a skeptical and curious approach to evidence to detect potential fraud effectively.