AI Law - International Review of Artificial Intelligence Law
G. Giappichelli Editore

20/06/2024 - French Translators Urge Cautious AI Use in Translation (France)

argument: Notizie/News - Intellectual Property Law

According to an article from Livres Hebdo, the Société française des traducteurs (SFT) has called for a moderate approach to the use of AI in translation. This stance follows a consultation with its members conducted between November and December 2023, highlighting growing concerns over the use of generative AI models in translation. The SFT emphasized that AI's statistical methods can result in inaccuracies and errors, which are evident to native speakers and professional translators. A significant number of SFT members view post-editing AI translations as a threat to their profession due to inadequate compensation.

The SFT proposed several recommendations:

  • Maintain human involvement to ensure quality and prevent errors.
  • Be transparent with the public about the sources of translations and with translators about the use of their work for machine learning.
  • Respect the professional standards of translators and interpreters.

These concerns align with findings from a Swiss translators' symposium in March 2024, which indicated that a quarter of translators had been approached for post-editing AI work.