AI Law - International Review of Artificial Intelligence Law
G. Giappichelli Editore

20/06/2024 - Exploring AI's Impact on Legal Systems at Ferrara Conference (Italy)

argument: Eventi/Events - Digital Governance

Based on an article from Università degli Studi di Ferrara, the "Intelligenza Artificiale e Diritto" conference, organized by the Fondazione Forense Ferrarese and the Ordine degli Avvocati di Ferrara, took place on June 13, 2024. The event featured several distinguished speakers, including Professor Andrea Graziosi and Professor Baldassare Pastore, who discussed the intersection of AI and legal processes.

The conference began with introductory remarks from Avv. Eugenio Gallerani, President of the COA of Ferrara, Dott. Mauro Martinelli, a magistrate at the Ferrara Tribunal, and Avv. Simona Pasqua Totaro from the Osservatorio Giustizia Civile. Avv. Sara Cazzanti moderated the event.

Professor Andrea Graziosi's presentation focused on AI's role in civil procedures, highlighting how AI tools could streamline legal processes and enhance efficiency. He emphasized the importance of integrating AI responsibly to ensure fairness and transparency.

Dott. Francesco Contini from CNR discussed the challenges and governance issues posed by generative AI in the legal sector. He noted the potential for AI to transform legal research and case management but also warned of risks related to bias and accountability.

Avv. Riccardo Berti explored the European Union's AI Act and its implications, comparing it with regulatory approaches in other regions. He pointed out that while the EU's framework aims to balance innovation with ethical standards, other countries might adopt more lenient or stringent regulations.

Avv. Silvia Toffoletto, leader of the AI & Law group at the Osservatori sulla giustizia civile, addressed the protection of fundamental rights in the era of AI. She highlighted ongoing debates about AI's role in safeguarding or infringing on these rights, stressing the need for robust legal frameworks.

Professor Baldassare Pastore concluded with reflections on the philosophical implications of AI in law, urging a careful consideration of ethical principles to guide AI integration in legal contexts.

The event underscored the critical need for a balanced approach to AI in law, combining technological advancements with rigorous ethical and legal standards to protect fundamental rights and ensure justice.