AI Law - International Review of Artificial Intelligence Law
G. Giappichelli Editore

21/06/2024 - Florida’s New AI Regulations Set to Take Effect July 1, 2024 (USA)

argument: Normativa/Regulations - Digital Governance

Based on information from sources such as and Brooks Pierce, Florida’s AI regulations, encapsulated in the Florida Digital Bill of Rights (FDBR), will become effective on July 1, 2024. These regulations mark a significant step towards governing the use and impact of artificial intelligence (AI) within the state.

Overview of the New AI Regulations

Effective Date and Scope: The Florida Digital Bill of Rights (FDBR), signed into law, will take effect on July 1, 2024. This legislation primarily applies to businesses with an annual global revenue exceeding $1 billion. Its focus is on providing Florida residents with increased control over their personal data, particularly in relation to AI technologies such as voice and facial recognition.

Key Provisions:

  1. Opt-Out Rights: Businesses covered by the FDBR must allow consumers to opt out of the collection and use of their personal data through AI technologies, including voice and facial recognition. This aims to enhance consumer privacy and control over personal information.

  2. Regulation of AI Use in Children’s Services: The law includes specific requirements for online platforms that offer services, games, or products targeted towards children. These platforms must implement measures to protect the privacy and data of minor users.

  3. Uniform Employment Regulations: Another critical aspect of the legislation is the preemption of local employment regulations. This means local governments can no longer enforce their own rules regarding minimum wage, workplace benefits, or heat exposure standards for private employers. Instead, these matters will be regulated uniformly at the state level to reduce compliance burdens for businesses operating in multiple jurisdictions.

Implications for Businesses: Businesses operating in Florida will need to adapt to these new requirements to ensure compliance. This includes updating privacy policies, modifying data collection practices, and ensuring that AI technologies are used in ways that align with the new regulations.

Preparation Steps: Employers should review and potentially revise their policies, employee handbooks, and training programs to comply with the new state-level regulations. Consulting with legal experts in employment and data protection law will be crucial for navigating these changes effectively.