AI Law - International Review of Artificial Intelligence Law
G. Giappichelli Editore

23/06/2024 - Hong Kong Outlines AI Data Privacy Measures (Hong Kong)

argument: Normativa/Regulations - Personal Data Protection Law

Based on an article from Pinsent Masons, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) has introduced new guidelines to safeguard data privacy for businesses implementing AI systems. These guidelines build upon the 2021 'Guidance on the Ethical Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence'. The updated 'Artificial Intelligence: Model Personal Data Protection Framework' recommends best practices in four key areas: governance, risk management, data management, and stakeholder communication.

The framework advises businesses to develop an internal AI governance strategy, including forming an AI governance committee to oversee AI procurement, implementation, and usage. It emphasizes evaluating data privacy and cyber risks associated with AI systems. For data security, businesses should assess the likelihood of data breaches and their potential impact.

Organizations are encouraged to customize AI systems to minimize the use of personal data and maintain transparent communication with stakeholders such as employees, AI suppliers, customers, and regulators. Jennifer Wu, a technology law expert at Pinsent Masons, highlights the importance of proactive data privacy measures and aligning AI strategies with evolving regulatory landscapes globally and in Asia.