AI Law - International Review of Artificial Intelligence Law
G. Giappichelli Editore

22/06/2024 - Japan's Strategic Embrace of Light AI Regulation to Foster Investment (Japan)

argument: Normativa/Regulations - Financial Law

Based on an article from Tech Monitor, Japan is adopting a light-touch approach to AI regulation to attract investment and stimulate economic growth. This strategy aligns Japan with the US and the UK, which also favor minimal regulatory interference to promote innovation. However, this contrasts with the European Union's comprehensive AI Act, which imposes stringent requirements on AI developers to ensure safety and transparency.

Japan's decision to adopt a lenient regulatory stance is driven by the desire to leverage AI technology to address issues like its declining population. The government aims to boost its chip manufacturing capabilities to support AI development, emphasizing the economic benefits of AI. This approach includes potentially removing copyright restrictions for materials used in AI training, a move that could conflict with the EU's stricter regulations.

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has also unveiled an international framework for regulating generative AI, emphasizing the need to balance innovation with ethical considerations. This framework, announced at the OECD, aims to establish global standards for AI governance, focusing on the safe and trustworthy use of AI while addressing risks like disinformation.

Japan's guidelines for AI use promote responsible technology by avoiding biased data and ensuring transparency. These guidelines advocate for fairness, transparency, and the protection of human rights, stressing shared responsibilities among AI developers, providers, and users. Although these guidelines are not legally binding, they reflect Japan's intent to safeguard society and individual rights without stifling AI innovation.

This regulatory approach is designed to be flexible and responsive to the real-world applications of AI, positioning Japan as a proactive yet cautious player in the global AI landscape.