AI Law - International Review of Artificial Intelligence Law
G. Giappichelli Editore

24/06/2024 - University of Calabria (Unical) Hosts Labor Consultants to Discuss AI Impacts (Italy)

argument: Eventi/Events - Digital Governance

According to an article on Cosenza Channel, on June 21, 2024, the University of Calabria (Unical) hosted "Labor 2024," a congress for labor consultants in Calabria. The event, held at the Aula Magna, attracted a large audience interested in the first three thematic panels focusing on the applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in professional settings, public administration, and daily life.

The day began with opening remarks by Dr. Fabiola Via, president of the Order of Labor Consultants of Cosenza, and Roberto Garritano, president of Young Labor Consultants of Cosenza, emphasizing the event's significance. A notable speaker, Professor Georg Gottlob, an AI expert from Unical, discussed the challenges and opportunities presented by AI, engaging students in discussions about its future impact.

Additionally, the congress featured a presentation of Eliana Godino's book "Ritratti del Sud – Storie, Volti, Eccellenze di Calabria," highlighting the region's cultural and intellectual richness, with contributions from astronomer Sandra Savaglio. The day concluded with a comedy performance by Enrico Bertolino, providing a light-hearted end to an informative event. "Labor 2024" showcased the potential of AI and celebrated Calabria's cultural heritage.