AI Law - International Review of Artificial Intelligence Law
G. Giappichelli Editore

08/03/2024 - Italy's Privacy Authority Investigates OpenAI's "Sora"

argument: Decisioni/Decisions - Personal Data Protection Law

The Italian Data Protection Authority has launched an inquiry into OpenAI's "Sora," focusing on data processing and user privacy within the EU. OpenAI must clarify "Sora's" availability, data handling, and regulatory compliance, underlining the critical intersection of AI innovation and privacy laws.

According to an article from the Italian Data Protection Authority's website (Garante Privacy), the Authority has initiated an investigation into OpenAI's new artificial intelligence model, "Sora." This model, announced by the U.S. company OpenAI, is capable of generating dynamic, realistic, and imaginative scenes from short text instructions. The investigation aims to address potential implications on the personal data processing of users within the European Union, especially in Italy. OpenAI is requested to provide detailed information within 20 days about "Sora," including its availability, data collection, and adherence to European regulations. The inquiry highlights the increasing scrutiny on AI technologies and their compliance with data protection laws.