AI Law - International Review of Artificial Intelligence Law
G. Giappichelli Editore

26/06/2024 - California Legislature Advances AI Legislation (USA)

argument: Normativa/Regulations - Digital Governance

Based on Inside Privacy, the California Legislature is moving forward with multiple AI-related bills. These bills include SB 942 and AB 3211, which mandate clear identification of AI-generated content, and AB 2013 and AB 2877, which address the disclosure of data sources and protection of minors' personal information used for AI training. Additionally, SB 1047 proposes regulation for advanced AI models, while AB 2930 and AB 3030 focus on AI's use in consequential decisions and patient communications, respectively. Finally, AB 1791 targets social media platforms, and AB 2355 requires disclosures for AI-altered political ads.