AI Law - International Review of Artificial Intelligence Law
G. Giappichelli Editore

02/07/2024 - The Necessity of AI Regulations in Developing Nations: A Case Study of Indonesia

argument: Notizie/News - Digital Governance

Based on an article from Modern Diplomacy, the growing significance of artificial intelligence (AI) in developing countries is highlighted, particularly focusing on Indonesia. The article argues for the urgency of implementing comprehensive AI regulations to manage the rapid technological advancements and mitigate potential risks. It discusses how developing countries, often lagging in regulatory frameworks, face unique challenges in AI adoption, including limited resources, lack of technical expertise, and infrastructural constraints.

The piece emphasizes the need for international cooperation and knowledge sharing to help these nations build robust regulatory frameworks. It points out Indonesia's proactive steps towards AI regulation, aiming to balance innovation with ethical considerations and public safety. The Indonesian government has initiated policies to promote AI research and development while addressing data privacy, cybersecurity, and the ethical use of AI.

The article also explores the potential benefits of AI in sectors like healthcare, education, and agriculture in developing countries. However, it warns of the risks of unregulated AI, such as biased algorithms, privacy violations, and job displacement. The importance of stakeholder engagement, including government, academia, industry, and civil society, in shaping AI policies is stressed to ensure they are inclusive and equitable.