AI Law - International Review of Artificial Intelligence Law
G. Giappichelli Editore

04/07/2024 - Turkey Deploys AI to Combat Tax Evasion (Turkey)

argument: Notizie/News - Tax Law

According to an article on Bloomberg Law, Turkey is leveraging artificial intelligence to enhance its efforts in curbing tax evasion. This initiative represents a significant technological advancement in the country's tax enforcement strategies. The use of AI aims to identify patterns of tax evasion more effectively and to streamline the process of tax collection. The Turkish government has implemented AI-driven systems to analyze vast amounts of financial data, flagging suspicious activities that may indicate tax fraud.

The AI systems are designed to improve the efficiency and accuracy of tax audits by automating the detection of anomalies and potential evasion tactics. This approach is expected to enhance transparency and accountability within the tax system, helping the government recover substantial amounts of unpaid taxes. By utilizing advanced algorithms and machine learning, the AI tools can process data faster and more accurately than traditional methods, reducing the burden on tax authorities and increasing compliance among taxpayers.

The integration of AI in tax enforcement is part of a broader strategy by Turkey to modernize its tax infrastructure and ensure fair tax practices. This initiative aligns with global trends where countries are increasingly adopting AI to tackle complex issues in tax administration and enforcement.