AI Law - International Review of Artificial Intelligence Law
G. Giappichelli Editore

04/07/2024 - Vietnam’s Tech Sectors Anticipate Stricter Regulations (Vietnam)

argument: Notizie/News - Digital Governance

According to an article from the Business Times, Vietnam's artificial intelligence (AI) and cryptocurrency sectors are preparing for significant impacts as the government introduces tighter regulations . The move comes as the country aims to balance technological innovation with regulatory oversight to ensure economic stability and security.

Vietnam's AI sector has seen rapid growth, with several Centers of Excellence established in universities and research institutions. These centers provide support and resources for AI research, fostering collaboration with industry partners to develop solutions across various sectors. AI's potential to automate tasks, improve efficiency, and drive economic growth has made it a crucial focus for Vietnam. In manufacturing, AI-powered robots and systems enhance productivity and quality while reducing human labor risks.

The cryptocurrency sector, however, faces a more complex scenario. Despite its popularity and high adoption rate, the Vietnamese government has not yet recognized cryptocurrencies as legal tender or assets. The collapse of the major crypto exchange FTX in late 2022 has further intensified scrutiny and regulatory momentum. The government established the Vietnam Blockchain Association to create a framework for the sector, reflecting a cautious yet proactive approach to managing the risks and benefits of cryptocurrencies.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has emphasized the need for regulations to prevent issues such as money laundering and to protect investors. The National Assembly has discussed incorporating virtual assets into the legal framework, indicating significant regulatory changes are on the horizon. These measures aim to stabilize the market, rebuild investor confidence, and align with global regulatory standards.

In summary, Vietnam’s regulatory landscape for AI and cryptocurrency is evolving rapidly. The government's actions reflect a commitment to harnessing technological advancements while mitigating associated risks. The outcome of these regulatory efforts will shape the future trajectory of Vietnam’s tech sectors, balancing innovation with security and economic stability.