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G. Giappichelli Editore

05/07/2024 - UK Court Accelerates Patent Trials in Response to UPC Competition (UK)

argument: Notizie/News - Intellectual Property Law

According to an article from IAM Media, the UK courts have begun fast-tracking patent trials to stay competitive with the Unified Patent Court (UPC) system. This acceleration aims to ensure that the UK remains an attractive venue for patent litigation, especially for high-stakes technology and pharmaceutical cases. The expedited process is designed to reduce the time to trial and judgment, thereby minimizing the risk of prolonged injunctions and aligning more closely with the streamlined procedures of the UPC.

The UK courts' decision follows the successful implementation of the fast track system for other civil cases, which has proven effective in managing caseloads and improving judicial efficiency. This initiative is part of broader judicial reforms intended to enhance the UK's legal framework post-Brexit.

Key features of the fast-tracked patent trials include mandatory early case management conferences, stringent adherence to trial timetables, and limited scope for extensions or delays. These measures are intended to provide quicker resolutions, which is crucial for industries where patent life cycles and market competition are particularly intense.

However, the move has also raised concerns among some legal practitioners regarding the potential for rushed judgments and the challenges of adequately preparing complex cases within shorter timeframes. Despite these concerns, the overall response from the industry has been positive, with many seeing it as a necessary adaptation to maintain the UK's prominence in global patent litigation.