AI Law - International Review of Artificial Intelligence Law
G. Giappichelli Editore

06/07/2024 - AI Transforming Public Procurement Processes (Italy)

argument: Normativa/Regulations - Administrative Law

According to an article from Appalti & Contratti, artificial intelligence is set to significantly transform public procurement processes in Italy. The article highlights the opportunities AI presents in terms of efficiency, transparency, and cost savings. AI can streamline procurement by automating routine tasks, analyzing large datasets for better decision-making, and identifying potential fraud and corruption risks. However, the article also notes that the successful integration of AI in public procurement requires a strong focus on project centrality and investment in the necessary technological infrastructure. Additionally, there are challenges related to data privacy, the need for regulatory frameworks, and ensuring that AI systems are unbiased and equitable. The article calls for a balanced approach that maximizes the benefits of AI while addressing its potential risks.